Last Friday my son turned three. We ordered Mexican. We also received a check from his grandmother in New York, who wanted to buy a pair...
Imagine that you have an opportunity to pitch your business to a group of influential decision-makers in your community. How much preparation would you need to ensure...
I love these women. When they do something – they do it right! They constitute some of the best minds in my world. One of the...
Old customers are easy to neglect because of the presumption that their business is ‘locked in’. Therefore we figure that our time is better spent looking...
Do you monitor your social media efforts regularly? I came across a number of free tools that I liked and wanted to share. You probably use...
As I pointed out in the previous article, curation is about blending your original content with carefully selected third-party content and presenting it in a way...
Thriving businesses understand that the success of their brand depends as much on the creation of valuable content, as it does on creating products or services...
Sometimes it’s easy to identify your key competitors. You can Google them using relevant key words, find them on business directory listings or at your local...
There’s a story in the Bible about a man called Zacchaeus. He hears that Jesus is coming to town and he’s totally excited that he might...
Things tend to slow down a bit in the summer. This is a good time to catch up on those administrative tasks that have been left...