I asked a doctor friend what she thought SEO meant. She quickly responded, “I’m a physician, not a financial advisor.” (I think she got it confused...
CONTENT MARKETING EDUCATION Patricia Redsicker is pleased to provide you with the following educational content marketing resources. Do let us know what else you would like to...
As Facebook Graph Search continues to roll out to new users, healthcare marketers are wondering how they can use it to increase their visibility. Here’s what...
I love diversity of the arts. It makes the world a beautiful place. It brings us Beethoven and Yiruma, Carravag and Banksy. But remember there was a time when each...
Are you a healthcare employee looking to expand your career? Not sure how to market your skills online? If so, then you should know that Linkedin...
I always tell clients that their website is their “face” to the world and their customer’s window into the business. But once their dream website is...
Are you struggling to attract more people to your medical website? Do you feel frustrated that nothing you’ve tried is working? If so, you should know...
Recent updates made to Google’s search algorithm have put website owners on alert for misuse of keywords and unnatural links to their websites. Google Penguin, which...
SEO is such a highly technical strategy within Internet marketing that many times healthcare marketers get easily discouraged to the point of writing it off altogether....
Do you find yourself struggling to figure out what keywords to use on your website content or blog? Identifying and using targeted key words helps to...