If you are in charge of marketing for a company, you may be wondering if you should use an internet marketing service. After all, there are...
In a world where the average person is bombarded with over 5,000 marketing messages each day, it’s no wonder that healthcare marketers have to work hard...
For conservative industries such as healthcare, social media can be challenging. The fear of losing control causes many hospitals to shy away from social media, opting...
Is your healthcare business taking advantage of content marketing? According to the 2012 B2B Content Marketing, Budgets and Trends Report 89% of all healthcare businesses have adopted...
Are you struggling to write more likeable content? In case you haven’t heard, there’s a tremendous need for businesses today to be more approachable, and this...
In a previous post, I talked about customers being accidental content consumers. The point being that consumers visit a business website when they need a specific...
With over 600 million users on Facebook and consumers spending more time on social platforms, brands are now using these channels to connect and engage with...
Niche marketing is about making the strongest offer to the customers most likely to value and pay a premium price for your products or services. Since...
Finding a niche market for your business is an important part of your marketing plan. A lot of business-owners assume that they can market their services...